Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hey, AOL... you stole yesterday's entry!

Not that it was a big deal, you understand.  Just my Monday Photo Shoot entry, two cats in a bucket.  But what on earth?  So I went to John Scalzi's, and lo and behold, his Monday entries were gone.  I went to Kelly's journal, knowing she had posted a Monday photo shoot entry.  Gone.  Poof.

According to bloglines, my daughter had done an entry about her youngest daughter's adventures in photography.  It isn't there on her journal.

Give me back my entry, AOL!  Thieves!!!!

I'm editing this to add:  After a bit of sleuthing on my part, I believe comments made yesterday afternoon have ALSO disappeared.  Shades of Twilight Zone (can you hear the theme playing?).


  1. When I clicked on two of the alerts I had for new journal entries this morning it said they were no longer there.  I guess their entries have been stolen too.  I thought something must be wrong.  Hopefully they'll be back along with yours too!  'On Ya' - ma

  2. It's still gone... Linda

  3. Oh yes Mosie ... but I am kind of miffed about mine disappearing.  It was a while in the writing.  It was heartfelt and important to me.  Darned those AOL ... uhm ... people!!!  That'll teach me. :::sigh:::  Or one might think it would.

  4. I'm pretty pissed about it.

  5. My entry is there but most of my comments are gone!   WHY

  6. Maybe some of those gremlins got in their software or whatever it is they use and stole yesterdays entrys. Maybe you could email John and let him see about getting it fixed. Helen

  7. they stole three of mine too! NOT my jokes or breakfast or my today entry JUST my real thoughts! it sucks!

    I hope they come back!


  8. Yep, boy Fern is gonna be mad, his is gone from last night too. I redid my entyr for the Photo Shoot, then went to Johns journal, and his entry went poof too. :( Isnt technology wonderful? You know I have started typing up my entries on Wordpad and until I get it copied and pasted I don't delete it from Wordpad. I get signed off a lot in mid sentence...grrrr...so this way I dont get so mad. Seems I better keep my entry on file for a few days if I dont want to be retyping it. Gotta lot it huh.
