Thursday, October 25, 2007

A good horse day

Today was the best ride ever on Libby.  She seems to realize I belong on her back and gives no problem at all.  She's pretty "cinch-y"... doesn't care for the girth being tightened and sorta dances around; unless I give her a treat first, then she doesn't mind at all.

Cliff couldn't believe it when he looked out the window and saw me riding Libby in the yard.  He was absolutely floored at how well she's doing.  I'm still holding the rides on Libby to ten or fifteen minutes; she's small, and I don't want to harm her or overdo it.


  1. Good to see she is doing so well.  She is such a pretty horse.  Love the horses hovering over you.  When my kids play in the pasture with my friend's horses, they have to follow the kids around and see what they are up to.  They lose interest pretty fast!

  2. I'm glad that Libby is doing so well.  I hope you're still doing well also.


  3. How wonderful that she is doing so well.  A treat is a good thing ... and after all she should be rewarded for being such a good girl.  
    'On Ya' - ma

  4. I am glad you had a good day with Libby!

    ~make it a great day!~

  5. Good job Libby!  And Donna.  LOL  Looks like a nice riding day weatherwise too.  

  6. She's beautiful and looks like she enjoys you being on her back.  I really like the pics of you and the horses in the pasture.  Gives a completely different view of the 'gang'.


  7. Your horses must care about you a lot...standing watch over you like that. I thought it was sweet! Like they thought something was wrong and they were keeping watch.

  8. You are a natural born horse whisperer. Laying down around four horses, you trust them and they trust you, that is so obvious. You have a calm and patience about you I know that they pick up on. Great pictures, Libby is doing so well!

  9. well of course she is awesome....look who trained here...made her feel she was the best horse in the world???  well you of be both deserve it!!!!  hugs...Ora
