Thursday, August 9, 2007


When we're in the midst of our annual drought, I tend to forget that rain is even a remote possibility.  Yesterday some weather-person on TV said, "Oh, there's a slight chance of rain, but it's so slight I don't want to mention it and get your hopes up."

We hadn't had anything more than a sprinkle for a month or so.  As I fell asleep in my air-conditioned bedroom, I saw weather bulletins creeping across the bottom of the television screen.  Radar showed thunderstorms fifty miles to the north of us.  When I passed through the sauna that is my kitchen on my last trip to the bathroom, the grandson mentioned that he heard thunder, and I said, wearily, "Yeah well, the storms won't be coming here."

But this morning I looked outside to see wet sidewalks.  Flashlight in hand, I went to check the rain gauge and we did, indeed, get almost an inch of rain.  Maybe the brown pasture will turn green again.

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  1. Congratulations! ! ! !   Oh, that we could be so fortunate.  The temp here was 102 yesterday...not what you would expect from good old NC.

  2. Good for you. We need rain also. Helen

  3. We need some to cool things off. It is getting over a hundred every day out here...and it is just brutal. Glad you got some rain out there..send a little our way if you can.

  4. Surprised the thunder and lightning didn't wake you. It did me.Really cooled things off, temporarily!

  5. LUCKY DUCK!  We need rain so bad.

  6. Hello, I found your link in another's journal...thought I'd come by
    we hadnt had rain for months and finally had a storm blow through last week or so...the grass is not not looking like hay and i believe the burn ban is gone ;)
    even for an inch at least ya got a little bit right

  7. we need rain too. probably have to wait until fall now. We were supposed to get rain last night too but it passed us by again. Hope your fields get nice and green now. sandra

  8. arrived home yesterday looked so cloudy at airport, but when we got home it was clear.  HHH again. (hazy, hot and humid) In KY is was 102 and 105 with very high humidity, not to mention the heat index.  Glad you got much needed rain.   Anne

  9. We have a 20% chance of some scattered showers tonight.  I hope it will rain enough to clear the air and give us some relief from the heat, but I'm not holding my breath or anything!

  10. LoL.. about two days ago the same thing happened here. They kept saying rain, but nothing. My daughter came to pick me up and there was a rain cloud over the house, but nothing. My other daughter was at work on the other side of town and said it was pouring down rain she nearly drowned. Here we were not even 4 miles away and dry as can be.
    Take care, Chrissie
