Sunday, August 5, 2007

family reunion

Today was a family reunion, my dad's side.  It started out in the 1950's as my paternal grandfather's birthday party, and later evolved into a reunion.

I'm really sorry I don't have a copy of an old 1945 snapshot:  It shows four baby girls about the same size, sitting on a blanket... me and three cousins, all born in 1944.  Daddy, Uncle Orville, Uncle Cecil and Uncle Clifford all managed to get their wives pregnant within a three-month time period.  All carrying girls.

Anyway, it's always been tradition that whenever the four of us girls are together, we simply must have our picture taken for old time's sake.  Today we were joking about that first shot of us, sitting on a blanket on the ground, and somebody got the bright idea that we should sit on a blanket for this year's picture.

Ahem.  Can YOU see the blanket?  That's what we're laughing about; you'll have to take my word for it that it's there.  Another thing we're laughing about is the fact that three of us have bad knees, and we're wondering how we're going to get up when they're done taking pictures.

Those three sisters are some of my daddy's sister's girls.  But see the lady on the left?  That's my sister, born to my daddy and his first wife.  Notice the resemblance?  She's a double-cousin to them.

Cousin Alice, one of the 1944 babies...

and another, Frances. 

Those two are double cousins to one another (there were lots of double cousins back when people didn't travel far out of their communities).  They graduated high school with me.  In fact, being the loner that I was, they were my main friends in those years.  They were also the first friends I had when we moved to Kansas City in 1955, because they lived downstairs in our apartment building in Harlem.

Two 91-year-old aunts, Ruth  (Daddy's brother's wife) and Gladys (my daddy's sister).  They're both living in a nursing home now.

I realize there's nothing more boring that other people's family reunions, but that's what my readers get today.  It's about my history, my roots.

And by the way, there's another reunion next week.  My mom's family.

So there you have it.


  1. Its not boring at all...I loved seeing all the pictures and you telling about everyone. Long time ago when I was a kid we used to go out to an old farmhouse that had a spring fed pool ( MAN was it COLD water!) in the middle of summertime. It was rented out for such occasions as reunions. We used to go to Daddys side of the familys reunions. I was too much of a kid to really appreciate it and wish we still had that kind of thing now. Hmmm...maybe I should host one..I have a "farmhouse". I have the room for a family reunion. See! Not boring at all...very inspiring. Hey someone has to keep the old traditions going right? Looks like you had a great day.

  2. Nice pictures.  Where did you family get together?  Was it at a park or at someone's home? It is always fun to see other's enjoying themselves.

  3. I think this is a very interesting entry. I hope you ladies didn't have to big a problem getting up off the blanket. I know those two 91 year old ladies enjoyed getting together with family. I used to have some cousins I palled around with in school. I used to love to go to family reunions when my back wasn't acting up. I don't think they have them anymore. Thanks for sharing your day with us and hope next Sunday will another enjoyable day for you. Helen

  4. Oh, I love reunion photos when they are explained so well.  The picture on the blanket (lol) shows what good shape you're in.

  5. I loved seeing your pictures of your family reunion.  I'm glad to see that some people still take the time to have family reunions.  I use to love them when I was a kid.  We don't have them anymore.  Seems as though everyone is too busy to take the time.  I'm looking forward to next weekends pictures.

  6. I don't know, I enjoyed hearing about your reunion... but I'm from the south and I remember attending a lot of these as a kid. Heck, we had our own 'mini' reunion this spring at my Grandmothers! I especially enjoyed the 4 of you girls getting your picture taken and I would love to see the 'original' shot if you come across it!

  7. Not boring at all! It's nice to see so many extended family members. My family isn't so fortunate. There isn't a soul over 70 alive in our family (my side)....and only my Dad and Mom fall into the 65-70 year old category (they were both the oldest kids in their family). I live vicariously through my husband's family where everyone seems to have the longevity gene and lives well into their 90s. Several have passed 100.

  8. I love family reunions and would love to go to mine, but the time is never right and I haven't been in well over 10 years.  We only have the one on my mom's side of the family.  My dad's people just never did one, but they often found other occassions to get the family together.  Glad you all were able to get up off that blanket...It's not easy some days!  'On Ya' - ma

  9. Note to yourself: Next year bring a bigger blanket! lol
    I love that you took another picture that way.  I hope you can find the first one and show them side-by-side sometime.  There are a lot of double cousins in my family, too.  My mom and her sister married brothers, so their kids are our double cousins.  Two of my dad's brothers also married sisters so their kids are double cousins.  AND those two sister (the ones in the previous sentence) also happen to be my mom's first cousins, so their kids are not just our first cousins on my dad's side, but our cousins on my mom's side as well.

    LOVE YA,

  11. Thanks for sharing your history with us.  I never find it boring.  The reunion looked wonderful.  Our family was supposed to have one in early July and I would have travelled to Wisconsin for it, but for whatever reason it didn't materialize.  It would have been fun.

    BTW you look great!!!


  12. What a pleasent read ~ Thank you for sharing. I saw the blanket! Hope your enjoying your day!

  13. Reunions are so much fun!!  Looks like a great time and some fun traditions!!  Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures!!  Hugs,

  14. I used to love going to our family reunion, but now that my grandfather is gone I just cant bare to go. I love your pictures, that was a great idea about the blanket, I would love to see the first one taken!

  15. great reunion pics Mosie...and looking forward to your Mom's side and resunion....and about the blanket....that was funny....and by the did all of you get up LOLOL????hugs...Ora in KY

  16. I love family reunions, my mom's family's is coming up soon.  Hope your doing great


  17. Personally, I treat my journal like a journal, it's about my life, if you want to read about it, go ahead but, I am not going to cater to you about what I publish, it's MY life, not a fiction novel (although my life reads like a good book, now and again).  So, what I am saying is...I LOVE reading about your life, family reunions and all, these public (or private with invited readers) journals are a godsend, that we can learn about each other, warts and all!
    Keep the "boring" stuff in!  Please!

  18. That's to funny when you said all brothers got their wives pregnant around the same time and with girls. I bet Christmas that year was wonderful to have received four granddaughters.
    Take care, Chrissie

  19. lol  I laughed out loud when I read the "can YOU see the blanket line..."  very cute!
    What a wonderful way to spend a day.
    God Bless-
