Thursday, July 27, 2006

Poor Cliff...

So, there's a feature on the journals main page about the most recent Monday Photo Shoot.  I played along with it, and submitted an entry with Cliff yawning

Click HERE and scroll down to the bottom of the page to see Cliff in all his yawning glory, for the whole world to see.


  1. THAT.IS.AWESOME!  I laughed so hard, I think I pulled a muscle.  Poor dad.  Time to go back to work, and avoid the harrassment.

  2. does Cliff know the whole world saw him yawning?? That's why I decided just to do a private journal with family pictures to respect my hubby's and son's privacy. (BTW, if you want to check it out, its called Koda's pictures, the link is in my other journal section and I included you as a reader)


  3. LOL on Cliff yawning.  That is so funny.  Does he know he's so popular?

  4. Big Yawn !  That's the way I feel this rainy Friday morning !  Tell Cliff, I think my mouth opens wider than his !  My alerts aren't working and I'm slowly trying to see who had a entry that I missed.  Guess I'll have to go reset my alerts !  Have a great weekend !  'On Ya' - ma

  5. Is that Cliff's AOL debut?? LOL.  Great picture.
