Saturday, July 1, 2006

just checking in

The specialist I went to gave me the all-clear; honestly, I feel going there was a waste of time.  My regular doctor could have given me the all-clear.  Oh well.

We are still trying to decide on a vacation destination:  It seems all the places we'd like to go are in a drought.  Colorado, the Black Hills, the Grand Canyon. 

Please God, send rain.  Here, and everywhere else where it's needed.

Hopefully as I type this, my son is headed in this direction from his home in Georgia.  It's been a year since I've seen him, so I am ready.


  1. Glad all is well. It seems that Dr's like we used to have are a thing of the past. When you go to Dr now they either want to refer you to someone else or do a battery of expensive tests. When I was a child we went to a family Dr and he diagnosed and treated what ever was wrong, with no help from anyone else. Most of the time we got better soon and that was all there was to it.

  2. I'm so glad you checked in - I've been wondering about that...thankfully all is well!
    Glad your son is coming home !  I know how much you'll enjoy his visit.  I always look forward to seeing all of my children.  One of my son's hasn't been able to come home now for about 3 years. Much too long.  I did visit him about 2 years ago .  Distances are not easy on us mothers.  I hope you are able to get some rain and enjoy your vacation.  'On Ya' - ma

  3. That's great news that the Dr found everything well with you. I am so glad that your son is coming home. I know all of you will have a great time. I hope you will have a great time where ever you decide to go on your vacation. We need rain badly down our way also. It's a pity that the East Coast got flooded so badly and most other places needs rain. Have a good day. Helen

  4. I know you are delighted to have your boy coming back home. We need rain so desperately here,too.

  5. Praying your son has a safe trip to you and your family...I hope you all have a great visit and enjoy every minute.

  6. I'm voting for CO, then the Black Hills.  The Grand Canyon was just kind of...'eh' for me...

    Glad you got the all clear!


  7. Know you can hardly wait to ee your son! :)
    Did Cliff go to the big antique car show today at Riverfest?
    Have a great wkend sweetie,

  8. I am so glad to see how you and Cliff seem to be just humming along!  God is so very good!  I'd go for the Black Hills, I think.....whatever, where ever, enjoy!  -  Barbara

  9. That's great your son is coming for visit.  That will be nice.  I know some parts of the country need rain but not my parts.  We're just getting over some serious flooding here in Reading, PA.  Enjoy your weekend.

  10. I know you can't wait to see your son. How exciting.  Well I'm happy you have the all clear.
