Thursday, July 6, 2006

The last day of my son's visit

This has been a wonderful week, and perhaps the best 4th of July ever.  I know grandmothers are prejudiced, but that Lyndsay is a true little southern belle and sharp as a tack.  She puts toys up when she's done with them.  She converses like an adult.  And she understands dogs, and they know it... and treat her with respect.

Here's a sample conversation with Lyndsay: 

"Lyndsay, somebody took out the trash for me!"

"Yeah, my daddy did that because you're his mom and it's his last day here and he wanted to do something nice for you."

"Did he say that?"

"No, I just made it up."

She has kept us in stitches, and I sure wish Georgia wasn't so far away.


  1. Lyndsay sounds like a dollbaby!!  You're just going to have to go visit them soon!
    Love your pictures.  At least I know I'm not the only one with an unmade bed today! LOL!

  2. Awwwwwwww Mosie, why do all good things have to come to an end??????
    Hey, Lyndsay's a GEORGIA girl and sweet as a Georgia peach!!! I know you ahte to see them leave Mosie...but it won't be long til another visit..and who knows...maybe you and Cliff can come to OUR neck of the woods someday!!!lol
    How is your pup doing???
    Love ya,

  3. What a wonderful time you have had and such a lovely family.  Is that your house in the background where the trampoline is?  It looks soooo big!

  4. glad you had a great visit with her; she seems like one sharp young woman


  5. Funny thing - - I've got a bed looks just like yours.

    Having company is fun but the house always seems so empty when they leave.  I can remember Jakie sitting in the middle of your room looking around like "Where IS she?"

    I'm glad they visited you.

  6. Thanks for sharing the pics.  Nice looking grandchildren and I love the little dog.

  7. Maybe next year she could saty longer.

  8. I do know what you mean.  I wish my grand'babes' all lived closer too !  One of them ask me why I take so many pictures...I told her that I missed them all so much I needed the pictures to look at when they weren't around.  Pictures and the internet do help, but nothing beats the real thing !  Enjoy your last day !  May it be a good one !  'On Ya'- ma

  9. I'm glad you had such a good time.

  10. she sure sounds like a sweetie. All your grandkids. Sorry they have to go now but happy it was such a nice 4th.

  11. Oh goodness, she is adorable.  I like Amber's pic with her little Min-pin too!  Linda
