Friday, December 17, 2004

We must all be adults here!

I noted with interest the comments on my preceding entry.  Several folks were bothered by the dead deer, and some by the idea of an eleven-year-old boy being so happy about killing the deer.  I had nothing to do with it anyway:  the child is no relation to me... although I have no problem with deer-hunting, especially if one intends to use the meat (and I'll certainly take any ground venison folks may offer; it makes the BEST chili). My husband has tried, in vain, to procure a deer on our property this year.  Thank goodness we have two pigs we'll butcher in February or March (let the weak of stomach beware, there may be pictures!).

I am proud of the fact, however, that nobody attacked me or my character.  They all seem to realize it's MY journal, whether they approved of the entry (and the picture) or not.  You really don't know how refreshing that is.  Thanks, J-landers, for being mature in your comments.  I intend to show the same maturity when I visit your journals.


  1. I hope my comment didnt upset you I was trying to be funny....myself I dont know about the others.....
    YEah it's creepy but that's what happens to all animals when we kill them for food....I love me some steak so I know little cows have to suffer....We all dont like to think about it I guess but...think about it or not it's life in all its reality.......
    I do think it would be funny if the deer and the hunters got guns  kind of like war Ha!!!!!!!
    Donna InTEXAS

  2. Oh Mo, I think your swell. I am just a person who doesn't connect my food with the actual animal. I had a great steak tonight, just don't think of it as a cow! I know it's stupid, but that's just how I am.....stupid to the core! lol    Anne

  3. I sure hope you weren't offended by my words, Mosie.  It was not a negative comment on you or your journal(which I love).  That photo just really bothered me.  

  4. Yes indeed. No offense taken and none given, I hope. I am not a hunter. Don't have the stomach for it. But I am a carnivore, no doubt. ;-)

  5. I am with you. Ihave no problem with the killing as long as the meat is eaten. It is throphy hunting I do not like. Venison does make some good chili meat barbeque too! And there is nothing I like better than a rump roast slowed cooked with onions,garlic, potatoes and carrots and a few mushrooms thrown in. Since I have done my share of blooding animals to eat, I do ot find the picture offensive.

  6. Venison does make the BEST chili!  It also makes great steaks! I'd take venison ANY DAY over cow!
    Hugs & Blessings,

  7. I certainly don't object to the picture; I'm accustomed to plenty just like it floating around amongst family, friends, and neighbors. The First Buck is pretty much a milestone in a (usually rural) kid's life; I know girls who hunt, as well as boys--and the best bow-hunter in the county is a woman, and friend of mine. I even like venison, as long as it's well-doctored; in chili, or marinated in booze.
    I will qualify, though; if circumstance forced me into a hunter-gatherer, I would probably become a vegetarian. I never enjoyed personally knowing the main course as a kid! And since I don't want to eat what I kill--I'll leave the hunting to others. I'm not the best shot, anyway!
