Saturday, December 11, 2004

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. What is your all-time favorite Christmas Carol or holiday song?

"White Christmas" as sung by Bing Crosby

2. What percentage of your Christmas shopping have you completed?

probably 15%

3. Other than yourself, which of the following would you most likeyour child to have as a role model and why:
    A) Doctor
    B) Politician
    C) Professional Athlete
    D) Businessman

I don't care for those choices, but I suppose a doctor.

4. What current television show would you most like to see disappear permanently?

My daughter will kill me, but I'll say it anyhow:  Survivor.
5. Have you used any themed photo wall calendar in 2004?  Do you already have one ready for 2005, and if so, what is next year's theme of choice?

We always have plenty of antique tractor calendars here, since tractors are Cliff's passion.  For 2005, we have one we paid for, one sent to me by a message-board friend from New Hampshire, and one sent to us by a chatroom friend in New Mexico.  And none of the three are alike.  The free ones are made even more interesting because of the advertising on them from towns and states I've never been near.

Armand:  Read this quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson recently posted in Armand's journal, "Uncommon Sense."  Given the context of the quote, how have you been most successful in your life?

I believe I have left life better for several folks by poems and letters I've written.  For instance, I once wrote a poem for my daughter's fifth-grade teacher (at my daughter's request).  About ten years ago I talked to her when she was teaching my granddaughter, and she told me she still gets that poem out at the beginning of each school year and reads it.  Many people have told me I made a difference in their lives by something I wrote for them, and I'm proud to know that.  It warms my heart. 


  1. Wonderful answers! :-) ---Robbie

  2. MOTHER!!!!!  Survivor?  Come ON!  You're killing me here!
