Thursday, December 16, 2004

one more update on Kody

For all of you who enjoyed my little story about Kody, here's one more update.  Tracy, the friend I ride to work with, happens to be related to one of Kody's grandmas, and e-mailed me this picture.  Kody got his first deer this fall!


  1. Oh yikes...that photo is a little gruesome. I hope that little buck was tasty!

  2. I like seeing Kody, but didn't like seeing hoo   Anne   (I know I am a weenie)

  3. Just look at his face ===Oh the pride of accomplishment!!!

  4. Kody turned out to be a goodlooking young boy....The deer well not looking so good:-)

    Donna In TEXAS

  5. Yuck!  I appreciate the fact that the deer population sometimes needs to be thinned for their own sake, but I really hate everything about that picture.  From the bloody deer tongue to the kid's complete disconnect from the murdered corpse he's straddling.  I'm sorry, but it's just gross!  

  6. I agree with toonguykc.  There's nothing good about that picture.  I still  love you journal but I just don't like this picture.

  7. Good picture of your son. Just the deer threw me off. LOL I am still not use to being a wife of a hunter yet.


  8. Congrats to KODY!!!! That is a big buck. I know plenty of grown hunters that have not taken one that size.

  9. This is to all who don't know Kody..... he's had that cheesy smile on all his photo's, that has ever been taken, every since he knew how to be a ham for the camera.  You get the camera out, and there is that face, with that tacky grin, smile, and funny faces.  I know because I am his Aunt Kat, and I see that face all the time, when he's being a ham for the camera.  He also has a lot to smile about because, his Grandpa, dad, and uncle's couldn't get a deer this year.

  10. Wow! what a great Buck for Kody's first! My husband is an avid Deer Hunter (bow and gun). I see that alot people think this is gross, but for those who DO read the bible and for those who hunt TO provide food for their families, then this is an awesome catch for Kody  ;-)
    Hugs & Blessings,
