Sunday, August 15, 2004

This week's assignment

Weekend Assignment #19: Tell us about an entry in someone else's AOL Journal or blog that really left an impression on you in the last year. Why does it stand out for you? Include a link to it within your entry (come back here and link to your entry in the comments).

OK, it's strange how I found this journal.  I went to AOL community, journals, and put "Kansas City" in the search there, hoping to find some local folks I might some day meet.  But very soon I was hooked.  And he has another guy leaving comments about his life and how much they have in common, so it's like reading two journals in one.

Both of these fellows are great story-tellers, and I'm seeing a different point of view than mine, which never hurts anyone.


1 comment:

  1. Well thank you for the mention, Mosie.  You're life is the ideal that most would envy -- but we both know that country living is not exactly easy.  You stuck to it and made it work for you while I escaped and found all sorts of new versions of "not exactly easy".  I'm so glad I finally found your blog.  
