Tuesday, August 10, 2004

awaiting Thursday

I spent a good part of yesterday evening planning my first day at the Missouri State Fair with Monica and Natalie.  Opening day at the fair is "bargain day".  It's $1 admission, instead of the usual $7... or $6 for senior citizens (although kids under 12 are free, so this only saves me $5).  Lots of food items are $1 at certain stands, so this is the day to buy corn dogs, caramel apples, and Cokes.  And then there's the $5 concert:  this year it's Charlie Daniels.  I'm not a huge fan of his, but I think for that price, the girls and I will enjoy his music.  Last year Sawyer Brown opened the fair, and Monica and I had a great time of it.  This will be six-year-old Natalie's first time at the fair.

That's Monica last year, at the opening ceremonies, during the governor's speech (that's his son beside him).

I've always loved the hoop-la of those ceremonies at the Missouri State Fair.  The parade is mostly antique and classic cars with politicians riding in them, and it gets rather boring, especially for children.  And the governor's speech isn't really anything to write home about, no matter who's in office.  But somehow it's part of the total package, and I love it all.  Besides, right after the governor speaks, someone sings the National anthem, and Stealth bombers swoop over the crowd out of nowhere.  Then the Hostess company passes out Twinkies and cupcakes, and we head across the street to the grandstand for the cheap show.  We should get to Sedalia in time Thursday to see a couple of the freebies on the grounds... perhaps the MaPaPa acrobats, or the Extreme Canines.  There'll be plenty to see, and we'll be lucky of we can hit everything in three days.  Friday, of course, will be devoted to using our "unlimited rides" wristbands, already bought and paid for.  But I'm sure we'll need an occasional break from riding, and we'll catch the pig races, petting zoo, and so forth at some point during our three-day stay.  Cliff intends to join us Saturday, and spend that night in the camper with us.  Two more days of work, and then the fun begins!

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