Friday, August 20, 2004

Our pride and joy

Here's Mandy, lying on her favorite rug which she's in the process of shredding to her liking, with a sponge she stole from Cliff's shop and carried in, herself, to chew on:

Our dog, Brandy, died in May...
Hit by a car, she slipped away.
That old Chow had been around
Through fourteen years of ups and downs.
The vacant place where once she lay
Haunted us, by night and day.
We heard about abandoned pups
And went right off to pick one up.

Part Blue Heeler, mostly Heinz,
With not a trace of blue-blood lines.
Off to the vet... no time was lost,
And our "free dog" began to cost.
Still, she's made us laugh and smile;
The money spent is all worthwhile.
Purebred dogs are fine for yuppies:
We will keep our mongrel puppy.

Cliff and I are both regaled
By swapping tons of doggy tales.
Never was a dog so smart
Nor seemed so cute, to steal our hearts.
Her half-curled tail that stays askew...
The way she plays, and loves to chew...
That funny way she'll romp and strut...
She's quite a dog, our little mutt.






  1. There is husky or shepherd in her. Heart stealer is what she is.

  2. Yes Celeste, Cliff says she surely has some husky in her.

  3. Such a cute poem about the mutt. I have sat here tonight looking through the directory until I found your journal again. Paula
