Tuesday, June 8, 2004

I only worked half a day

There just isn't a lot to do at work.  Yesterday the ones who were there ended up sweeping floors toward the end of the day.  So, when they offered EQ (early quit) I found a ride home with a co-worker, Cindy.  I was hoping we could go pick up our car, but Cliff was back at Higginsville chasing tractor parts.  However, we did get everything out of the Explorer and the original radio put back in it... also took the hitch off it.

Every once in a while I like to get on Blue with no saddle, just to see if I still can.  Believe me, it's an effort!  I have a 5-gallon bucket I stand on, but it's still an ordeal pulling myself onto his back.  I'm always very proud when I once more get up there.  I just ride him bareback around the yard and pasture at a slow foxtrot or walk.

However, I did take a long ride in the heat of the day, later on this afternoon.  When we got back I hosed Blue down to cool him off quicker.  I thought about turning the hose on myself.  It's 87, but feels hotter to me.

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