Sunday, June 27, 2004

dreary Sunday

Monica and Natalie went to Sunday school and Church with me this morning; it was completely different from church as they know it, but they seemed to be OK with everything.  I'm in a rainy-day mood, which is appropriate for this cool, drizzly Sunday.  I could easily cover up my head and sleep the day away... or eat myself into oblivion.  So far I've not done either, although I did have a little nap.  We warmed up spaghetti for some of us and made grilled cheese for the rest.  Then Cliff watched over Natalie while she did the dishes.  I've played quite a bit of Scrabble online with my Virginia friend, Sue, today.  I'm glad I rode Blue yesterday when the sun was shining.

April, the calf we gave a shot, was chewing her cud this morning; so she must not be too sick.  If I end up working five days this week, it'll be the first time in ages.  In another month, any extra days off will be rare, and it will be like that until the Christmas rush ends.  I'm seriously thinking about losing my perfect attendence and taking an extra day off now and then.  You can get three days in a row off (if you call in each day) and they only count that as one occurance against you... and it takes twelve occurances before you're fired.  Each occurance comes off your record a year after it's made.  I don't intend to do this till after July 17, though, because that will be my year's perfect attendance, and I'll get an extra day off with pay for it.  I still have two vacation days left. 

Rachel and the kids left, and I headed upstairs to do more straightening  and cleaning... when company showed up.  It was Richard Earl (I babysat him as a kid, he's in his mid-thirties now) and his wife and their two very active (enough said) kids, ages 2 and 4.  By the time we pushed the kids on the swing, helped them jump on the trampoline, carried them each out to pet the horse and the cows, and gave them the customary tractor rides, I was worn out.


  1. I miss riding my horse. Good luck wit the calf.

  2. Mo, bet it had to do your heart good to have g/daughters in church with you.  And glad to hear you are contemplating trashing your "perfect attendance" record.  Maybe you'll "trash" come Kentucky time.  lol  You and Cliff went all out for those kids who came to visit.  But God bless you for the effort.  Cya round.  Joyce  
