Friday, June 25, 2004

Friday (off work again)

It seemed too hot to ride yesterday, although I would have anyway; but around 4 PM a north breeze came through and cooled things off considerably, making it perfect for a ride.  I went to the river bottom, where they're almost done harvesting wheat.  There's a certain mulberry tree I "park" beneath down there and eat mulberries, and let Blue eat mulberry leaves.  He seems to be handling his fears caused by the fireworks a little better, although you can see him looking, a bit wild-eyed, toward the twins' house as I saddle him up.  Of course there have been NO fireworks here at my place since he threw me. 

 Yesterday while going through stuff upstairs, folded in with some old long-since-paid bills I found a 1994 series EE $100 savings bond belonging to my son.  He used to get them deducted from his pay when he was in the Army.  When I called to tell him about that, I found out they plan to be here Tuesday night!  I haven't seen my youngest granddaughter, Lindsay, since Easter... so I'm ready.  Oh, in my rummaging and tossing stuff upstairs, I also found Rachel's (my daughter) first marriage license and her birth certificate, which she'd been wanting.  Today we'll shop, and get as much food in the house as we can to be ready for company.  Saturday the 3rd, my sister Maxine, in Kansas City, North, is having us all (including my daughter Rachel's family) over for a barbecue.  Her one son (from Kansas) and two grandsons (from Oklahoma) and great-granddaughter will be there.  I don't know how long it's been since all of us have been together, because with Jim living in Georgia, he didn't even get back for Mother's funeral.  So I'm looking forward to it.  Just for the record, my sister is the one living person I most admire.  She's as nearly perfect as a person can be, but doesn't have the kind of attitude many "nearly perfect" people have.  I love her dearly.  She's sixteen years older than I am, and has always been a guiding light for me. 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my Journal and thanks for your kind words. My daughter and I read your Journal every day. We enjoy it so much.
    Dad, Mary and Princess
