Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sorry about the lack of entries lately

After a phone call from Cliff's youngest sister and a prod (in comments) from Anne, I figured I'd better do an entry.

This summer has been so busy and so full of surprises, blogging hasn't been a priority.  A while back I looked in the archives of this journal and realized I used to be much more interesting. 

I'm happy and doing well; there just isn't that much happening that I think others would care about reading.

What I'm doing right now is reaping benefits of Cliff's youngest sister and her husband vacating the farm house where they had lived for so long; I have a new back room and plenty of stuff to store... they had lots of cabinets and shelves I can use for storing.  Oh, and they gave us a nicer bedroom suite for the guest room than the one we had.  So the grandson took the old stuff, and tomorrow we'll bring in the new.

The guy who is going to do the garage floor and our sidewalks was working here today.  With luck, he may be pouring concrete tomorrow.

See, all these things are exciting to me, but they don't make for an interesting journal entry.  But I thought I'd check in and let you know that things are going great.

Meanwhile, I'm certainly enjoying all the political stuff that has the media so upset.  Each day gets a little more interesting.  Who needs fiction when real life is this crazy?

Happy birthday to my oldest granddaughter, Amber.  She was the CUTEST little baby girl I ever saw in my life, playing with Barbie and "Kim" (yeah, that was her way of saying Ken).


  1. Hi Donna...I don't know about other folks....but I want to hear every detail of what is going on with you and Cliff these days...all about your porch....your hummingbirds...your cement floor....the hot tub....all of it....and the new bedroom set...well not new but new to you guys...the garage...and your storage room....it all means alot to me....and even tho you think it isn't a good entry news....it is to me....and Secret...and Meatloaf????  and the goings on in the old house...and your cabin....sheesh...Mosie...you are an open book....and I don't want this to be the last chapter!!!!!!!  LOLOL....God Bless...hugs...Ora

  2. I know your new house is making you happy and nobody deserves it more.  One day I'm going to get out there and visit you and see all of your animals and CLIFF too............oh, can I get into the hot tub?   Anne

  3. Such a busy full life you have!  I enjoyed your comment over at my place and appreciate the sentiment you expressed.  Yes indeed, who needs fiction lol?  This is one election lilke no other, I'm not sure how I want to see it turn out, but I do believe we've made a bit of history.  CATHY

  4. It sounds like you are keeping very busy and are happy for sure.  I know that often life is very ordinary, but those are often the best days too !  Thanks for checking in with us.  'On Ya' - ma


  6. Your entries are always interesting. :)
    Have a good hump day,

  7. I really enjoy your journal and blog.  what you perceive as ordinary is extraordinary to me (riding a horse, a motorcycle, butchering pigs, your cabin, your new home)  Keep it coming!  Vicki

  8. I never think you are boring....so I hope you keep on writing.

  9. I'm so happy that things are going so good for you all.  Appy b'day to your grand daughter!!!


  10. I always check in on you to see what is new with  the new house and all the add ons.  I just love the stories about the country.  So don't think you are boring.  Marlene

  11. Your journal is Always interesting.  See I even capitalized Always.  lol.  
    My best entry yet was the pringles made into duck bills.  Yep.  You may have to post that pic again or link to that entry.  It was so cute.

  12. You are busy living life. :) You are too busy to write about it, but when winter settles in you can reflect and catch up and tell us things about this summer you didnt think to tell us. I imagine with the cooler weather you will be taking more rides on Blue too though. Life is calling! Go answer it. :) I know you are enjoying your new home to the fullest. Kelly
