Monday, September 15, 2008

Hummingbirds, still around

My thermometer reads 48 this morning.  As cold as it is, though, the hummingbirds still come to the feeders as soon as there's light in the east.

One of the myths about hummingbirds is that you have to bring the feeders inside or they won't migrate to Mexico for the winter, and they'll freeze.

Another myth is that they hitchhike to Mexico on the backs of geese.

For a list of hummingbird myths, go HERE.  (Some of these seemed quite ridiculous to me.)

To learn more about hummingbirds that you dreamed possible, go to

I had never watched these tiny creatures until this summer.  I have to say it's been a real experience, watching them drink the sugar-water and fight over it.  Just goes to show, there's always something new to experience if you keep your eyes open.

According to those websites, my little friends will likely disappear around October 15.


  1. As of last week we still have those dear little birds in northern Ohio too.  We sit on the patio in the evening and they buzz by our noses.  I'll miss them when they go.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. I have had those little buggers to hang around when it dipped below freezing. I   once had one come in by itself close to Thanksgiving. It was so weak it could hardly fly. I ran and put out fresh nectar. All the flowers everywhere were gone by then and it fed on the feeder all day but in between feedings it got out of a cold wind. The next day it was gone. Helen

  3. Oh my goodness.  A bit nippy there this morning.  We were at 62.  
    You have some good hot tubbin' weather going.  lol
    We can't hardly have bird feeders b/c of the cats.  I'd feel guilty bringing the birds closer to the house when the cats will just end up eating a few.

  4. Oh I think I am ready to feel that crisp air in the morning. :) I know it wont be for awhile here though. I love the hummingbirds. I miss them when they leave. Kelly

  5. Oh, I can't wait to feel those kinda temps here.  I'm hoping it won't be long.  I like to watch the hummingbirds too.


  6. This is the first year for me too to have hummingbirds come to my feeder.  Like you, we have so much fun watching them.  Yesterday we had 5 of them taking turns at the nectar.  Mine like to chase each other some too, lol.   I was wondering when they would be leaving, so I will hopefully have them until mid October.  I will really miss them.  Have a great evening.

  7. We haven't seen ours lately.  I was just wondering if they'd already headed south.

  8. I absolutely have to get a feeder next year!
