Thursday, July 17, 2008

a meme... from about two dozen J-landers

If you came to my house… 

You would see: Our front porch that is under construction; it's going to get its roof starting Monday.

I’d probably feed you:   either low-fat tasty stuff or fattening tasty stuff; name your poison.  My family is pretty partial to my noodles.

And offer you this to drink:   We usually have tea and Diet Coke on hand.  But let me know ahead of time and I'll have whatever you prefer.

I’d undoubtedly ask if you’d read:  Any of Mark Rashid's books.  You don't have to own a horse to enjoy his writing.

I’d want to play this music for you:  Iris Dement and Johnny Cash.  Maybe a little Merle Haggard and George Jones thrown in for good measure.  Unless you want me to play my guitar and sing for you:  In that case, I'd sing a couple of songs I wrote ("The Million Dollar Car" or "The Old German Church" or something I wrote about my daughter or my son or a grandson.

I’d want to tell you about:  My horse Blue; my cabin; and how much Jesus has brought me through.

I’d probably suggest a game of:  find the lost steer and bring him home (I may be changing this one from time to time)

I would definitely show off:  My horse, my cabin, and Cliff's tractors.  Oh, and you HAVE to see Sadie catch the Frisbee.

I might get on the computer and show you: Pictures and websites

If it was a long enough visit: we might watch the sun go down, back of my cabin.  And I'd have Cliff drive us down to the Missouri River bottoms so you could see where I ride my horse.

I am adding this one since Kelly said Paula mentioned it!

I would share: my book of poems; take one home, and take some for your friends.  I sold enough early on to cover the cost of publishing, and I'm feeling generous.


  1. oh this is cool....I might do one too....
    I would love visiting your house.  We'd most certainly talk, travel, food, family and religion.  lol THis was interesting...thanks for sharing...I guess I better get back to studying.

  2. Thanks for sharing this.  I enjoyed reading your's.


  3. I have my own copy of your Book of Poems and I love it!   I've heard you sing and I would love to actually be sitting there while you strum on that guitar and I think the sun going down over the rive would be the perfect ending to a perfect day in the country with Mosie!

  4. I'd love to try your noodles and hear you sing and play (and maybe I'd join in).  I'd love to spend the day in the country with you!  This meme sure has been doing the rounds.  It seems to be a favorite with everyone.

  5. Pin the tail on the Marvin?  Would he stay still long enough for somebody to win?  hee hee...

    I'll have some fattening tasty stuff and a diet coke!


  6. I bet the river bottoms are beautiful!


  7. Ok, Ok, it's time to put in a request for you to record the song "Carry Me" (I think that is what it was titled way back when you first sent it out over the 'net'.) That was the sweetest song ! And I have somehow lost the wav of it.

    I've been to your house but another visit would sure be fun. I'd love to sit by the fire at the cabin and watch the sun go down. Maybe hang a hot dog or marshmallow over the flames for a tasty snack.  Mmmmmm....... I can almost smell the fire now.

  8. Great ansers and I am coming to visit before summer ends.  So do you know, "It's Crying Time Again, You're Gonna Leave Me?"   I hope to hear you play and see all of the above mentioned!   Anne

  9. I liked this meme a lot. I have enjoyed reading yours and many others that did this one. I like the fact that you took out 'we would watch' on the last one, and put in other stuff. I thought that was better! Kelly

  10. Oh, I am so ready to go to the cabin and watch the sunset.  You don't have to give me a book to take home ... you can read or recite while we sit 'round the camp fire.  
