Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rain, rain, every day

Cliff needs to mow hay, but you can't mow hay when it rains every day.  The orchard grass is already past its prime and going to seed.  The clover is in full bloom and will soon be going over-the-hill too.   This kind of thing drives Cliff nuts, and makes me thankful we don't make our living farming.  Farmers are slaves to the elements.

I'm enjoying my soft water like you wouldn't believe.  I love taking a shower and rinsing off "squeaky-clean".  The Bunn coffee maker has my coffee brewed in three minutes, and I don't have to worry about hard water stopping it up.   Even with the reverse-osmosis faucet that supplies sodium-free water for drinking, I go to the outside hydrant when it's convenient and collect a gallon-jugful of our hard water to keep in the fridge for drinking.  It's much tastier than softened water.  Even the Culligan guy agreed it contains healthful minerals that the softener removes (calcium, for one).

I'm also enjoying my air conditioning now that temperatures are rising above 90.  Sadie likes it too.

Cliff's sister is settling in at our old house, getting things moved in little by little.  I'd love to have taken pictures of Cliff and the grandson and others moving her incredibly heavy tanning bed up the stairs, but I didn't have the nerve to watch, let alone take pictures. 

Cliff and I have always slept in a regular, full-sized bed.  Rena's king-sized sleep-number bed barely fit in our old bedroom.  Would you call that a wall-to-wall bed?

Rena has always wanted to get her GED, but has put it off for one reason and another.  As luck would have it, a class started up yesterday not far away, and she signed up; it'll be Monday through Friday for three hours a day; it's a nice diversion for her, and she'll be a graduate before you know it.  She's still working on the pre-test, which simply lets the teacher know what she needs to work on.

I went with her to buy an air conditioner yesterday, a large window unit; she's used to cool Wisconsin weather, which is totally different from what we're having here.  Cliff is going to run 220 wiring from the pole to the house so it doesn't overload the puny wiring there.

We have so many things to do.  Little by little, they will get done.

I'm still keeping Blue in the stall and letting him out to graze twice a day.  I no longer feel guilty about that, because he doesn't seem to mind at all.  I give him a treat when I go out to bring him back, and a tiny bit of grain in his stall; and he now comes running when I call.  I don't even have to go get him!  Yeah, he's doing just fine.  I sure wish I could sneak in a ride, but it seems I'm either tied to the house waiting for something to be delivered or attended to, or else it's raining.

Oh, we found Cliff's missing shoes.  I didn't move them at all; they were in the motorcycle trailer from our last trip.  He'd taken them along in case the biker boots started hurting his feet.  So as of now, the only missing items from the move are the phone chargers, which is not a biggie:  We had an extra one that worked for my own cell phone, and we found one for Cliff's cell in the bargain aisle at Wal Mart for $10.

That's my report for the day.


  1. That is quite a lot to report.  We are having lots of rain too !  We get a sunny day once every 3 days and just when things start to dry out it rains again.  Glad you are enjoying your new home and conveniences.  'On Ya' - ma

  2. Wall-to-wall bed.  Now, THAT I could fall into at night!

  3. You are entitled to be cranky.  I don't know how you do it all.  You and Cliff are amazing people.   Vicki

  4. Loved the picture.  Rena can relax in bed and watch the world from either side!  Nosy question:  What happened to the window unit you and Cliff enjoyed there?
    I crave these daily reports.

  5. I hope Cliff can get the mowing done soon. It is hot and dry down this way. That king sized bed does take u a lot of room. Helen

  6. That is about how our bed fit in our old bedroom at our old house. We joked and said well it IS a BEDroom for sure Glad you are enjoying that AC. Its a wonderful thing when it gets on up into the nineties and its humid out. Enjoying all these entries of the move, keep em coming. :) Kelly

  7. how are you liking your new house?  I know you love the ac..
    We need some rain bad, it has not rained here in weeks.
    Send me some...that looks like a comfy bed, that is what matters, she probably will get something else on down the road won't she bigger?
    Glad you are getting settled in.  Moving is a job!

  8. wow you guys are great help to your SIL.  I bet she appreciates that. She is going to go through some rough adjustments moving from WI to there!  I don't know if I could do it.   We have a king size bed and wouldn't trade it for the world.  We love it.  Hope your SIL adjusts well to her new living arrangements...I'm sure there is much sorrow with her yet seeing what she had gone through.  Maybe being with you guys will help her too.  

  9. Seems as if Cliffs sister is there to stay with all that heavy "stuff". Bet you will all enjoy her living close. We are begging for rain already. Glad you are enjoying your new living quarters. That is an old fashioned way of saying it, isn't it? lol Paula

  10. You know, we have a king size bed and I am all over that bed when Jesse isn't here.  Although the damn dog tries to hog the bed all sprawled out....LOL

    I should take some adult classes to keep me occupied.  I've been bored lately.  Sure, I could clean the house, but......why?


  11. I'm so glad you guys have got all moved in and are enjoying your air conditioning and your soft water.  Hope the rain lets up soon.  We're having high 80s and low 90s here, too, with an occasional thunder storm thrown in, but most of the rain is passing us by.  I'll be back to catch up with your entries as soon as I can.  I'm looking forward to reading more about your move.


  12. Glad things are going good.

  13. She is going to have to make the bed while standing on it!

