Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A very timely rain

We were really hurting for rain on the newly-planted alfalfa crop, and last night we received almost an inch-and-a-half.  I went back to see if anything had germinated, and sure enough, things are greening up nicely; it was so dry, I had been afraid to check, before.  Hopefully the rain will bring up the rest of the seeds.

If we can manage to do it before another rain, we'll put hay in some of the washed places to prevent them from becoming even bigger ditches.

We already have over $400 invested in this little five-acre plot, so of course we want it to do well.  The wonderful thing about alfalfa is that you can get four cuttings of hay a year from it, if the rains come... and it's the most nutritious hay you can feed your animals.  Horses have to be limited, since it's so rich; but a little of it is good for them.


  1. I am from North Carolina and there is a big field beside our house. The owner plants soy beans, rye and some other stuff. It is interesting to read about what takes place.

  2. HI Mosie,
    Send that rain down here to GA...we need some too...our grass is so brown and dry. Glad to know yall got some much needed rain. That's alot of money to invest, so I know you are happy that your alfalfa looks so good!
    How's Mandy??? Our little chocolate chihuahua is terrified of lightning and thunder and what is so funny, any other time he tries to be so macho that he has the rest of them scared of him!!! lol
    take care,

  3. It is a wonder what a good rain will do.  The good Lord was watching out for you all.  Being on a farm you appreciate the weather more than most !  'On Ya' - ma

  4. I LOVE the smell of alfalfa bales.  so many memories of my childhood.  I also love the sight of hungry cattle devouring it passionately.  I miss the farm at times --  I really do.
