Saturday, September 10, 2005

another happy, busy day

Cliff and I had already planned to go to Booneville to a tractor show when his brother, Phil called, and suggested we ride with him, hit the tractor show briefly, and then go to their cousin's lake house for a family fish fry, on the Lake of the Ozarks.  Phil took two granddaughters along; he had promised them they'd be able to swim in the Lake of the Ozarks, but had neglected to tell them we'd be stopping first at a tractor show.  They were less than thrilled, but he bought them off with a couple of cowgirl hats. 

There are three of Cliff's mom's siblings still living, and he got to see them all today, plus several cousins.  I enjoyed the food, the peaceful setting on the lake, the tour of Ronnie's house under construction, and traveling in the back seat with Phil's giggling granddaughters.

It was another good day for sure.


  1. Love the old pickup truck. No wonder he built the tree house, great views.  Helen

  2. Loved the pictures, yet again!  Omg, the lake pictures were beautiful!  
    I'm glad you all had a nice day!


  3. I wish I could share your appreciation for tractor shows, but I spent way too many boring hours with my pa going to them.  A fish fry, on the other hand....   ;)


  4. Some of the pictures of the lake remind me of Wisconsin's lakes where I spent my childhood.  I remember the trees looking so green, they were dark blue.  I'm glad you had a great day.  Summer's almost over.


  5. What a beautiful house and view of the lake!  It's always good to see family and friends !  Looks like you've been having a really good summer !  'On Ya'  - ma

  6. Sounds like a nice trip. Looks like your cousin going to have a nice house.

  7. I tagged you Mosie.. so come on over to my journal and see how!

    You gotta play... cause I said so!! hee


  8. that sounds like so much fun!  :-)  
