Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy birthday Cliff

Cliff cut some low-grade fescue that we normally wouldn't bother to bale, so he'd have something to test the big-baler on.  I don't have a picture to show it, but they did finally make a decent bale and get the twine to tie.  I was back at the house fixing Cliff's favorite, spaghetti, for his birthday dinner, when the big event occurred.

I wanted to have some sort of party on his birthday, but anyone I'd normally invite works the day shift.  So, I invited the boys who help Cliff so much.  They've always loved to eat with him, even to the point that  they'll go home and get their lunch and bring it over here.  I don't know what the big deal is, but today they actually had an invitation, and got spaghetti too.  They ate plenty.  So much that none of them had room for dessert.  I made a low-fat Jello cake, thinking of Cliff's diet, and a cherry pie with some of our fresh cherries.  I love cherry pie, and I'll likely end up eating most of it myself and gaining five pounds.

Anyhow, it's been a pleasant day.  Now Cliff gets to go to work.  He gets a day off with pay for his birthday, but he chose to take it near the Fourth of July weekend, when our son will be here.


  1. ::Amy waves::  Happy Birthday, Cliff!!!  :)


  2. as an add-on to the previous comment....I find it so completely sweet that all the kids gravitate to Cliff.  What a sweetheart he must be...  <g>


  3. Happy birthday to Cliff and many many more. paula

  4. Happy Birthday to Cliff. It's good that the twins live close enough to help Cliff out  and they seem to like helping. Helen

  5. Give Cliff my best and wish him a happy birthday for me please.. look forward to seeing you all soon...

  6. Best wishes to Cliff and I truly hope he had a great day.

    Sometimes, in my mind's eye, I put myself there with you and and truly at peace.

  7. It looked to me as though Cliff had a terrific day/birthday. Wish him and you many many more to play with his toys.
    We use to round balers. every now and then I get a good look up from the bottom. LOL

  8. I always thought it was a great idea to give people thier birthday as a day off...but the only company I've ever heard of that does that is Ben & Jerry's. Happy Birthday Cliff!

  9. Happy Birthday Cliff!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY  Grandpa,,,
                                from, Lyndsay she says she loves  you and will see you next weekend.

  11. Happy belated Birthday to Cliff....Spaghetti is also my favorite birthday meal.  Always has been!!!
    So he got the baler working huh?
