Sunday, June 26, 2005

family reunion

I just got off the phone.  Cliff's cousin, Edna, called, re-confirming that they'll be here for the family reunion I'm holding next weekend.  We're talking about a family that's never had reunions... a family with long-standing feuds and grudges.  Not my immediate family, mind you; we've all decided life is too short for that sort of nonsense.

I'm not sure who will really show up.  It might be 75 people, or 175.  I don't care.  It's for one day, and I can handle anything for one day.  Cliff's getting excited about seeing folks he rarely ever sees, and excitement is contagious.

Of course, we're both anxious to see our son, Jim, and his family; they're coming from Georgia, Wednesday.  We see them twice a year... three times, tops.  I'd tell you all what a cute baby he was, but you all have a child in your memory just as cute, I'm sure.  (That's what YOU think!)

I'd appreciate any prayers and good thoughts for cooler weather this weekend, and for peace and love to prevail.  Oh, and I will have pictures to share, after it's done.


  1. For love and peace to prevail.....if it's like MY family.....that would be a miracle. lol   Oh, you will be in my thoughts and prayers for sure.  Anne

  2. I think this calls for prayers for strength also.  At least it would if it were me having that many people in my house.

  3. May our dear Lord bless your family reunion with peace , love and good weather!
    I'll say this a few more times, but I'm sure He'll do what's best ...He always does.

    I love family reunions and am sad that I have missed the one my Mom's side of the family has every year.  Seem like no matter what something else always comes up.  This year I can't go because my youngest is getting married and  I wouldn't miss that for the world.  'On Ya'  -ma

  4. I think what you are doing is so wonderful Mosie and will give your family memories for years to come.
    My side of the family never had a reunion, only meeting at funerals...but Danny's family have reunions alot and I really enjoy them so much.
    I pray that you have cool fair weather, love and joy , peace and harmony,and lots of family fun on the reunion day! Amen.
    Love ya,
    And plenty to eat and drink!

  5. Sounds like fun!
