Saturday, April 9, 2005

mushroom hunting

I found a few morel mushrooms Thursday, and hoped to find enough to make a decent "mess" today.  There was an area in my woods where somebody else had "struck gold"... looks like they found some big ones, too.  Anyhow, I'll fry these few for me and Cliff, and we can say we've had a taste of them.


  1. I love fried Mushrooms.  Never heard of Morel ones though.  Enjoy.  Great piccies, beautiful dog.

  2. I love fried mushrooms, hope your doing well Mosie!  I don't make a lot of comments, but I'm always here.  I dedicated my last entry to you in my journal.


  3. woops put wrong place, here it is


  4. Aren't you afraid of getting poison mushrooms? How can you tell the good from the bad. I still remember an old Clint Eastwood movie called, The Beguiled and it had a "mushroom sceen" in it. Anne

  5. We have friends in who lived in the out skirts of South Bend, Indiana and every spring they would go "shrooming" For years I had no idea what they were talking about. Then one year we were with them during season and had the extreme pleasure of eating them. Delicious!!! They are all the "rage" at the better gourment restuarants. I was shooked at how much they go for in the grocery stores. Our friends used to collect enough to eat them thrugthout the year. People were always trying to barter for them. Hard to believe, over mushrooms.

    Anyway, have a plesant weekend.
    God Bless,

  6. I'd be afraid that I would find the "wrong" mushrooms!!!  

  7. Mosie, never had morel mushrooms before, just Shitaki mushrooms and I think that's just  a brand name, not a type, but I'm not sure.  Anyway, if I ever see any of them, I'm going to buy some.  I love mushrooms in salads or cooked and in gravies, etc.  Anyway you fix them, really...........Sam

  8. I learned from The Food Channel that you should never wash mushrooms...just dust them.  That never sounded like a good idea to me.  LOL     Russ
