Sunday, April 3, 2005

Great day for flying a kite

It's been a great day in the country.  For the first time, Natalie got to ride Blue until she was actually ready to get off.  Arick (my oldest grandson) dropped by for the second time in two days, and took a turn on Blue also. 

My Internet friend, Boodotte and her husband, Don, came by. 

Natalie and Monica had tried in vain yesterday to fly a kite, and there just wasn't enough wind to lift it.  Today, the wind cooperated, as you can see from the picture of Natalie and her dad.  I had trouble taking the picture because I had to lie on the ground in order to get the people AND the kite in the photo, and Mandy, the dog, kept getting her face in front of the camera. 

Since we have an abundance of ham and other pork products, I tried a new recipe, Ham Balls in Barbecue Sauce, and it was a rousing success.

What a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like a great day. I love the picture! Now how many did you get of Mandy's nose? Thank you for your comment, I will tell her what you said.

  2. Looks like you had fun, what a beautiful blue sky.  Mental picture of you lying on the ground with the dog poking its nose into your face.  You did a good job though.

  3. Sounds like a beautiful day for you and your family.  I love the kite picture !
    Are you giving out your recipe for hamballs ???  I froze some leftover ham from Easter - it might be something new to do with it.  Our snow did melt today and it got up to 50 !  Spring is on it's way again !!!  'On Ya'  - ma

  4. <LOL> At the thought of Mandy sticking her nose in front of the camera while you are trying to take the picture! You did a good job of perservering <sp?>! Sounds like a good time was had by all...

  5. Ham balls?!?! I am afraid to ask...LMAO!

  6. Do you know I was in my 30's when I flew my first kite.  I was like a kid.  I will NEVER forget how much fun I had.  I flew it on July 4th at George's parents, who had kites for all the grandkids....little did they know I was going to be a BIG KID that day.  I flew it until a storm came!  That was the only time.  
    Sounds like you had a great day in the country.  And a busy one.
