Friday, January 28, 2005

finding old pictures

There's a bonus in all this de-cluttering I'm doing since I met the Fly-lady.  I'm finding old photos and keepsakes I thought I'd lost, pitched in dresser drawers amid underwear and years-old canceled checks.  One picure was of Gerald, the cousin whose mom thought he was dying in 1938 (click here for the entry).  He was less than two years old here, so this was probably about what he looked like at that time.

Below is another treasured picture, wrinkled and in poor shape.  But it's the only photo Cliff has of the motorcycle he owned when he was eighteen or nineteen.  I'm hoping my daughter, who works in a photo lab, will make a couple copies of this (catch the hint, Rachel?).  Cliff carried it in his billfold for years, his only reminder of that beloved Harley; it was repossessed when his parents took bankruptcy.  The little boy is his cousin, Ricky.



  1. That picture is "so cool"!  You will have to tell Cliff that!  That would be fun framed and on the wall!  And a great conversation photo for when company comes!  

    Anyway, great job on getting in there and organizing and cleaning.  Fly Lady makes it fun.


  2. Mosie, Sing it......Precious Memories, How They Linger............Anne

  3. MO....Wow, girlfriend ! You are really on-a-roll out there in MoLand. (or should I say "on-the-fly" ?)  LOL. GOOD JOB ! I, myself, have been to the Fly Lady site. And will begin soon to 'fly', as we are embarking on a major over haul of our home this spring. So I will be cleaning and tossing and organizing (or is that agonizing?) with my years of 'clutter' and build-up of this and that. Keep up that good work !          Qwkwit65/Nance

  4. what a great photo!  such memories huh?!


  5. Mosie, love the pics and the progress you are making.  

    But PUHLEEZ, don't tell the flylady where I live................   :o)


  6. Yes, my favorite Mother, I will have it scanned and printed.  Send it with me this weekend!  Gotta pay for horse board somehow!

  7. So far I have given away something for everything I bring in... I was supposed to get rid of 27 things today but didn't quite make it... I did send a big bag of dog treats my dog doesn't like to the humane society... wonder if I can count all the milk bones etc etc etc.. haha... I think its too early in the game to start cheating but Im still cleaning the sink.... keep your sink clean, Sandra  :)

  8. Maybe after a little vacation I can find the motivation to declutter this joint. LOL I love the photos.
