Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I sat here and made quite a nice entry when I got home from work.  Unfortunately, for whatever reason, it disappeared into cyberspace. 

First, the reason I haven't posted in a couple of days:  My morning routine has changed somewhat.  I'm doing my daily Bible reading, and taking time to ponder and pray a bit.  Also, I'm trying to unclutter my life, with the help of Flylady.  If you're interested, click here.  One of my readers pointed me toward Flylady some time back, but I just recently checked it out.  I'm taking baby steps, like the boss says, but I've made an improvement or two.  At least my kitchen sink is clean and shiny!  I do have a problem with her telling me I have to have shoes on before I do any housework:  I don't normally wear shoes unless I leave our 43 acres.  And I'd like to explain to her what hard water deposit does to porcelain and other kitchen and bathroom fixtures, and see what she says.  I haven't been following her instructions to the letter every day, but I hope to get more in the groove of this during the next four days, since I won't be going to work.

Next week I'm scheduled to work forty hours.  Now, I haven't worked more than three days in a week since returning to work from my medical leave, so I'm really hoping they offer a voluntary-time-off one or two of those days.  Their fiscal year starts February 1, and at that time I intend to go part-time.  It won't affect my hourly wage or benefits, since I don't carry their insurance.  I'll still be able to contribute to my 401K as usual.  I'm very thankful I have this option.

Hopefully there's a waffle iron in my future; I ordered one at  It would be fantastic if it would arrive tomorrow, so I could have waffles Saturday morning!

We have another horse coming to live here this weekend, if all works out.  I'll have the story about that, with pictures, once he arrives.


  1. I had an entry disappear, too!  It's so frustrating.  I waited a while, then posted again and it stayed.  The first one was way more negative than the second, so I took it as a chance to think it through.  Was your first post negative?  Also, it taught me to highlight and copy each post before hitting "save".  Then, if it's not there, you can try again, without retyping!

  2. I think we've all had an entry disappear on us. It's happened to me more than once. Bible reading is the best way to start out the day. And Flylady? I"m going to check her out. I could use a little help in a few areas. Off and running but had to stop by to say hello. Hugs. *Barb*

  3. Ok I went there. I can use the help!

  4. Flylady...Great!  I've learned to take the best of what she offers and make it fit into my life.  Even with the annoyance of some of her stuff  she is well worth the time.  I knew I had been "flywashed" when while on vacation I had an urge to go home and be sure my sink was shinning. LOL

  5. LOL I had subscribed to FlyLady's daily email tips for a while...but I go so behind on reading them. I had dozens of tips in my inbox waiting to be read. It was overwhelming. I'll go back to of these days.

  6. I use the Flylady myself!  But I also have a problem with the shoe thing.  Try vinegar for the hard water - works for me . . . Penny

  7. I've got to get ready for work but that FlyLady site looks cool. I've saved it to check out later. Thanks for the link. :-) ---Robbie
