Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Wet, lovely, messy snow

Cliff took this picture earlier today.  Yes, it's lovely.  However, my appreciation for snow lessens with grandchildren here:  I had forgotten how kids go in and out, tracking snow inside to make puddles for me to step in, in my stocking feet.  I had forgotten how they soak their shoes, socks and gloves and expect someone to make them be dry instantly; and how they lose gloves and shoes and wonder why I don't know where they are.  Nobody can enjoy snow like a child, though.  I think I vaguely remember how much fun it used to be.  Barely.


  1. The snow is soooo lovely.  Thank you so much for sharing it.  I too am almost past the time of remembering the fun of youth.  However I can still remember the pain of first love when I hear 50's music.  ok--back to reality--no snow-and the 50's are gone!!

  2. WE lost most of our bradford pear tree in the back. Trees down all over the neighborhood here.  Beautiful picture. Glad I don't have to go out today.   Anne

  3. Aw, c'mon Mosie.  Yer not THAT old.  I'm older than you and I remember how much fun snow was.  Being raised in Wisconsin we had snow up to here from October to May.  That's why I moved South......

    The picture is lovely.  Please keep the snow there.  

    Love ya,


  4. Send the snow here. Beautiful. I remember how much fun snow could be!

  5. Imagine how much mud and water a giant German Shepherd brings in with his giant paws!  I'm just glad my power is back on.

    Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend!


  6. Oh, how pretty.  I'm sure your feet were cold from stepping in those surprise melted snow puddles.  Momma used to fix up some awesome snow cream.  She always made snow fun.  She gave us kids trash bags to slide down the hill on.  It worked great.  

    See ya.
