Monday, November 1, 2004

"Happy, mischievous, worried, silly, surprised, flirtatious, ecstatic, angry, frustrated, loopy, embarrassed, hopeful, anxious, sad, quiet, chillin'."  Those are the moods AOL lets us choose from.  That's why, so often, you'll see my mood as "quiet" or "chillin'" when, lately, "depressed" or "bored" would be more accurate.  I'm not really sure how much I'm supposed to do since my orthroscopic surgery, so I don't do much.  The sheet of instructions they sent home with me after surgery says, "Activity should be confined to walking only until your first visit with the doctor after surgery."  OK, so how much walking?  The day after surgery I was feeling so well that I was up and around doing things when a nurse from the surgery center called and said I was to keep my knee and leg elevated a lot (not mentioned on my sheet of instructions).  I think she meant just that day, but I'm not sure.  So, to be safe, I still do it.  In a week I'll see the doctor and receive more specific instructions.  Until then, I guess I'll use extra caution.  I do plan, however, to go out and groom my horse for a few minutes today.  I miss him!

My daughter's girls spent Saturday night as usual, and we all went to Church yesterday morning.  I was a total grouch, so Cliff was pretty much in charge of the kids.  Seventeen-year-old Amber also came for the weekend; she starts her first job next Saturday as a bagger at a grocery store, so her weekend visits will probably cease.

Here are Natalie and Monica, ready to go trick-or-treating.  It was starting to sprinkle when I took this around 4 PM, and my daughter had to be at work at 5 AM this morning; so she was not in the jolliest mood to take them out in the rain begging for goodies.


As it began to sprinkle, Cliff's sister Charlene and her husband, Pat, came by on their new Harley.  They'd been riding around the countryside all day, but the clouds chased them back home sooner than planned.  So they rode the bike home from here, ordered carry-out pizza, returned in their car, and spent the evening with us.  That was good for what ailed me.

I'll be so glad when the election is over, but I fear it won't really be over for weeks or months, since the presidential race is so close.  At least after Tuesday my mailbox won't be cluttered with junk from politicians, and I won't be getting recorded messages on my phone advising me about my election-day choices.  I'm especially tired of watching people on the message boards and chat rooms I frequent get all hateful and nasty over politics.  Good grief, people, grow up! 


  1. I just love your pictures, especially of your grandkids. My gradson, Patrick, decided to be SpongeBob Square Pants too! And a big AMEN on getting this election over....I have had it with all of the advertisements and negetive campaigning!!!!!!!     Anne

  2. For starters you need to keep it elevated a lot! That helps keep fluids from building up in it. Walk only what is neccessary. Not doing a lot of chores. I understand getting out and brushing Blue! No SHOPPING!!! Unless you ride in a chair.
