Sunday, October 10, 2004

Wonderful Weekend

It's been a great family weekend.  Blue has been ridden by at least five different people:  My son-in-law, two step-granddaughters, my daughter, and myself.

That's Alana, my son's step-daughter, back on "the point".  Notice the leaves are getting some color.  Alana's sister, Christyn, also rode:

I told both girls, since they're inexperienced horsemen (women?) not to run Blue.  I never run him, and he once bucked their mom off when she rushed him.  I watched awhile, then my daughter supervised.  When all was going well, we left them on their own.  Should I be surprised that they both had Blue in a dead run as soon as they were out of our sight?  Everyone was OK when it was over, though.  Blue even looked like he enjoyed the change of pace.

We barbecued yesterday... or I should say my son-in-law, Kevin, barbecued.  He always gets stuck with that job.

That trailor in the background is where my mom used to live.  Now we rent it out. 

Today my daughter and the little granddaughters went on a hayride at the pumpkin patch, and everyone chose a pumpkin.

Natalie got a bit carried away, wanting a huge one she could barely handle.

It was a nice ride back behind the Allis Chalmers 190, with everyone closely guarding her pumpkin.

It's been a great weekend!


  1. WoW!!! I was looking at a friends journal and saw yours and thought Country Life...right up my alley.  I just want to say that your land is beautiful... I have to say myself I am a 16 year girl stuck in a city girls life when I dream about being where you are.  See I want to live like that not in my over populated subrub of atlanta....
    Just a Country girl stuck in a city girls life,

  2. Great photos! I love the ones with the little granddaughtters on the hayride, so cute and innocent! sounds like a country filled weekend! =) Take care- Meg from Friendship Loyalty and Love

  3. Sounds like you had a wonderfull week-end.  It looks like the grad kids had
    a lot of fun as well.       ~Rhonda~

  4. Oh, the photos speak for themselves don't sure looks like all had a good weekend....well, except for maybe Kevin, who had the cooking job!  LOL!  But I bet it was goooood!

    I used to have a horse - my grandaddy kept one for me on the farm.  He tried to keep older ones out there that were too tired to run with me b/c I was always a city girl and afraid of them.  Once screamed when a wasp landed on me and the horse took off running thru the barn!  LOL!  
    I was too young to know not to scream.
    See ya.

  5. very very beautiful pictures.....I love em all...

  6. Hi Mosie...just finished reading your was really great.
    Always have enjoyed chatting with you...and now I know what you look like...your horse is really nice...and know that you adore, Beverlyaqhafarms
