Thursday, October 7, 2004

John Scalzi's Weekend Assignment

"Weekend Assignment #28: The United States Congress (or appropriate legislative body in the country in which you live) has vested in you the power create exactly one National Holiday, celebrating anyone or anything you want, no questions asked. What is the name of your holiday, what does it celebrate, and how should we celebrate it?

One Rule: It can't be a holiday that honors someone who already has a holiday. Share the wealth, people."

OK, my nomination goes to the first day of Spring.  I'm always so glad to see winter ended, and I'd go for flowery decorations and more big family get-togethers.  I know, it's awfully near Easter.  But that's my choice.

Extra credit: Name the holiday that already exists that you'd like to see have a higher profile.

My favorite holiday is already pretty high profile, but I'd want it to be more so, because I want four days off for Thanksgiving.  I work at a distribution center for a department store, and our busy season is in full swing at that time; we're lucky to even get Thanksgiving day itself off... and we're always being told we "might" have to work on the holiday, as well as the Sunday after.  Even if you save a vacation day so you can shop on "black Friday", only a limited number of associates (I love that word, whatever happened to "employees"?) are allowed to take off.


  1. Congratulations Mosie on being in the pick 5. Paula

  2. Congrats for being the Editor's #3 pick of the week !!!!!  Ann

  3. Hi!  Congratulations on being one of the Editor's Picks.  Your journal is really interesting; and you certainly look like Katherine Hepburn from your PIC!

  4. Congradulations on being one of the top 5. You're journal is great!!!!!!! We homeschool & I have two girls one 23 who graduated from Homeschooling & is teaching at a private school & one 16 who has her permit now and takes care of two special needs children several time a week. Both care for the elderly, love kids & animals & take Karate & Piano. We also love to go camping. We love animals and always take our tw big dogs camping. We love working on old cars also or just fixing our up. You can also check out our kodak pictures page first link in our OTHER JOURNALS LINKS. Cars, animals and our way of living are all there. We love getting posts in my journal & see how our daily life goes on I 'd love to hear from you.  LORI

  5. I absolutely LOVE your choice for holiday.  Spring is my favorite season! -Krissy

  6. COngrats on being an editors pick

  7. Wonderful idea to further promote the resurgance of life and the greening of the world! In this neck of the woods people are sorely ready for some extra celebrating after a long slosh through winter [except for me since I love winter ... please see my last weekend's assignment for that]. I totally agree that Thanksgiving could use a propping up a bit. Tends to get lost in the dash toward Christmas it seems.

    Know how busy you are with being selected editors choice, congrats..SOoooo well deserved, but please feel welcome to pop on over to my journal and see my porposal for a National Holiday. Toodles.
