Sunday, September 12, 2004

One day off

I came home from work yesterday to find Mandy in her pen at the barn and Cliff gone in the car.  There's a tractor show this weekend at Booneville, and I figured maybe he'd gone there.  He checked in soon enough, though, and told me he was helping out again at the winery.  A couple of hours later, his sister Charlene and her husband, Pat, showed up here in biker clothing, do-rags and all.  They've ordered a Harley that they'll take possesion of in late October, and they'd been at the Harley plant testing the products.  There's some sort of two-day open house there where any licensed motorcyclist can take a turn on any of their cycles, and these two had spent the day riding everything available.  Since Cliff was at the winery, and Charlene and Pat hadn't had "the tour" there, we went over and watched the last load of grapes for 2004 getting crushed.  We were all a bit hungry when we came back here, so I broke into my stash of Nathan's hot dogs that my friend, Joanna, send UPS for my birthday.  I've been really hoarding them in my freezer to make them last, but I knew it was a good time to share.  (And I still have six left, I think.) 

There's no early Church service today, and since this is my only day off this weekend, we'll play hookey.  There'll be a run to Wal Mart when Cliff's awake, and I'm still making phone calls searching for a farrier to shoe Blue.  I may ride him later, loose shoes and all.

Happy birthday (yesterday) to my daughter-in-law in Georgia!  We'll be seeing you before long, Deb.


  1. I hope you enjoy your only day off this week, Mosie.

    As for the Nathan's, remember Christmas is coming.   LOL

    Love you,


  2. THANK you    
    See you next month
                                  Love Deb , Jim and the gang

  3. I'm not familiar with those hot dogs, are they really that good because that is not my favorite food? We played hookey from Cowboy Fellowship today too. We're bad aren't we? Hope you get Blue fixed up since you seem to enjoy riding so much. Paula

  4. Nathan's hot dogs taste like hot dogs used to taste when I was a child.  If you don't care for hot dogs, you might not be impressed with them as I am.  
