Sunday, January 1, 2006

Patrick's Sunday Seven

Don't think of them as Resolutions. Think of them as Goals or even just "Things You'd Like." But list up to seven things you hope to accomplish before 2006 draws to a close.

Either answer the question in a comment or answer it in your journal and include the link in a comment at Patrick's journal.

1.  Lose weight, and help my husband to do the same.

2.  Stick to my daily Bible reading plan

3.  sing at least one song a day, accompanying myself on guitar

4.  get back to writing a poem a day

5.  ride my horse at least once a week, even in winter

6.  get back on the "Flylady" plan

7.  appreciate life every day


Anonymous said...

I have to get back to the fly lady too.... good luck to us both. LOL Sandra

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to fly lady!!!! I am going to make this one of my new years resolutions. Wish me luck!!! Barbara

Anonymous said...

I bet the Flylady gets a boatload of new members thanks to you.  Mrs. L

Anonymous said...

Your goals are some that I should write in my book too !  I really need to get back in the FlyLady program too !  She is great!  'On Ya' - ma