Saturday, January 1, 2005

Patrick's Saturday Six

1. Where were you when the clock struck midnight?  With whom did you ring in the new year?  Here at home with Cliff and two granddaughters (see previous entry)

2. Do you have any foods you always eat on New Year's Day, and if so, what do the foods signify for your family?  If we have a turkey left in the freezer from the holidays, we have turkey, dressing, and all the trimmings, as we did today.

3. Do you believe that these "superstitious foods" work?  Nope, that's why I don't fix them.

4. Did you make any New Year's Resolutions this year, and if so, which of them do you honestly expect to have kept by December 31, 2005?  The same ones I make every year:  to read the Bible through this year and to lose my holiday pounds.

5. What is the most enjoyable DVD you purchased in 2004?  The Blue Collar Comedy Tour, although it was a gift from our daughter; we didn't purchase it.  I have a Benny Hill DVD ordered at for Cliff   What's the most enjoyable DVD boxed set you purchased in 2005?  We just got our DVD player for Christmas, so we don't own any boxed sets.

6. What would you most like to see change in AOL Journal-land in 2005?  I can't think of a thing I'd want changed.

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